Desert Racing, action packed, surviving on Bang, fueled by anxiety and adrenaline. It's not merely a race through the desert to see who can be the fastest, but an experience of a lifetime.
It's family... the family you choose.

Lifted and ready for her check up Miley's journey begins weeks before a race even starts. I'd like to give you a list of what goes on... but in true Chris fashion I got this instead.
" Will you text me a list of things you do to prep your truck?" I innocently ask trying to be as exact as I can be.
His response:

My words seep through my Cheshire cat grin from the other side of the couch, "thanks, you're awesome. But, what EXACTLY do you do?" Again, no straight answer,"I humpty dumpty it. I race the truck, it falls off the wall, and then I get all the king's horseman to put it back together again." Some king's horseman being Ed, Tyrell (wrap extraordinaire), Rory, Moto Armor crew, there's more on the Envision Motorsport's team, but we're talking prep... King's Horsemen aren't always around, which leaves endless nights spent between Chris and his truck,"Miley." A love affair for the ages.

591 miles to drive 425 more. I think the most painful part of Desert Racing is the drive there, and I sleep for most of it. Bringing kids is fun too,"are we there yet?"
Tossing and turning, enjoying the feeling of release a moment at a time when fueling up. Trying to power through, not stopping unless you absolutely have to. Eating gut turning, deliciously fattening gas station crap... Once again, PEE BREAK!
There's no rest for the weary, arrival is the starting line of excitement. More prep, tech and contingency, planning, team meetings, and trying to go to sleep before the big day. If I go sleep now I'll get 5 hours of sleep, an hour later... If I go to sleep now I'll get 4 hours of sleep, etc.

Miley in all her glory! Trophylite class 6000. Car number 6003. Enjoy the view, by the end of the race she needs stitches (zip ties) to hold her together. I can't take credit for this pic. I yanked it from Kyle Ahrensberg's IG. Another member of the Envision Motorsport's crew. That's one of the other cool opportunities of racing, meeting new people. I have to give a huge shout out to Kyle and his girlfriend Avalon for letting me tag along on a helicopter ride to see part of the race. Best seat in the house!

#livinthedream Pilot, Steve Wright. #trustmevodka ! The whip of the helicopter blades thumped through my ear drums without my headset on, which kept cutting out, so I stayed pretty quiet. I should've taken a selfie to show you the pure joy sewn into my smile like braces, but I was focused on the view of the terrain. You could see for miles, and we actually got to see the trucks take off the starting line!
You hear about the obstacles they drive through, as they swap war stories around the camp fire of races past. Actually being able to see them pass another truck or kick up dirt as they drift through the corners is awe-inspiring. I don't know the feeling of speeding through the desert, I can now image a hint of what it might feel like though. Little tiny snippet below. Kyle is driving with Craig Spitz co-driving.
Where are we going and what are we doing? That's the co-drivers job. Following the terrain, knowing what turn is coming up, whether to speed up or reign it in, and radio in when they need help. Keeping constant communication can be challenging Radios don't always work. Problems arise throughout the race, and pit crews need to know what obstacle they're about to face. Kyle and Craig pulled through main pit completing a full lap. Crew was ready and waiting. Ready to put out fires, change tires, and fuel her up!

You know they're coming. Louis, Andrew, and Chaz geared up and waited for Miley to pull through. Wait, wait, wait... GO, GO, GO! Once Miley comes into view it's a scramble to make sure all the wheels are on, and she's filled to the brim.
The best plans don't always go to plan. Miley and crew ran out of gas just short of the next pit stop. What happened? The stench of gas still permeated the air because of the overflow. It's agonizing to hear on the radio somethings gone wrong, and now the pit crew has to figure out what to do.
"Ed will not be happy."
Andrew hangs his head in shame. He's still dressed head to toe in fire gear, and knows how meticulous Ed is. "You want to win? You listen to me." Famous words from Ed. I was at the main pit, but I could picture Ed pacing up and down steam spewing from his ears. Shaking his head and wagging his finger at Beau as he says,"No, this is no good."
A million questions spin through your head. Is she leaking? Did the gas cap get taped on tight enough? How did she run out of gas? Answer to that question for this race, she was running rich and burning through fuel fast. Miley can be a diva sometimes. She needs special attention, special fuel (race fuel), this that and the other and if you don' t give it to her when she wants it she throws a fit. Also, she comes in like a wrecking ball, flips her lid and keeps on going. She's pretty awesome. (Now you know where she gets her name.) BITD provided aid and got enough gas to get them to the next stop.
Driver Change! It's Chris and Tyrell. Pick up the pace! Time crunch now, Chris is trying to erase the time-lapse from the gas mishap. When all a sudden they get #yeeted from behind, losing their back end. Good thing they got a flat before they lost their spare... It's stressful for all involved. Clip below is of Chris and Tyrell coming through main pit. You can cut the tension with a plastic knife, Louis keeps a cool head and talks Chris off a ledge. Tie down straps to the rescue too, Louis straps down another spare to what's left of the back end, so they don't lose points!
Parker 425 kicked off the 2020 race season.
All in all it's been a good kick off. Chris and Tyrell drove to the finish line for a 4th place position. 425 miles split between 2 drivers and 2 co-drivers, pit crew, a list of sponsors:
family and friends. A tight-knit group of people coming together to carry out a goal... WIN! Keep going, keep adjusting, keep pushing forward. WIN! Success is a series of small wins. The more points you earn each race the further up your placement for the end of the series. #WIN !
